Advice and Expertise - Every Step Of The Way
Property can be daunting, complex and confusing. Using our experience, we are on hand to help you navigate your way through the choppy waters and find the right solutions.
We provide advice on the following:
Best & Final Offers or Sealed Bids
This is the method many selling agents adopt to bring competitive interest to a head and it can be very daunting. We view the property and advise on its value. We’ll submit your offer in the best possible light, and will write the letter for you. Tim's experience of knowing what a selling agent wants to read, and what a Vendor wants to know, can be invaluable and help to swing things the right way. With an informal tender, there can be no guarantees, but sound professional advice can go a long way towards achieving a successful outcome after several sleepless nights.
Adding Value to Your Property
Thinking of a large capital project to improve your current property, but worried whether it will add commensurate value? Many house owners over-develop their property. In such cases, the cost of the project is sometimes more than the value added. Seeking professional advice can avoid getting it wrong.
Selling Your Property
Unsure about whether to upgrade the kitchen and/or bathrooms, or to repave the swimming pool surround prior to putting your property on the market? An independent opinion from a highly experienced professional could save you from making an expensive mistake.
Unsure Which Agent to Appoint?
Embarking on a sale in a fast-changing world, especially after 25+ years living in the same property, can feel like jumping into a vacuum of uncertainty. An unbiased and independent opinion, based on many years of experience, will set you on the right path. The best sale prices are very seldom achieved through instructing the estate agent who quoted the highest price and lowest commission. In the overall scheme of things, commission payable pales into insignificance if the sale price can be enhanced by an extra £50,000 and, sometimes, by even more. Appointing the right agent is absolutely crucial.
Mortgage Finance and Borrowing
The mortgage market is complex. It’s also highly competitive and it’s important to engage the right broker. Nowadays, the best mortgage ‘deals’ are seldom secured through the high street banks. We have contacts who specialise in arranging bespoke borrowing on high-end property, sometimes for people who didn’t think it was possible for them to secure mortgage finance. Knowing the right brokers is key.
Need a Building Surveyor, Structural Engineer or Architect?
Leave it to us. We know the specialists for all types of property – user-friendly and experienced professionals, who provide succinct reports and, if necessary, practical advice.
Interested in Buying the Paddocks and/or Woodland Adjoining Your Property?
The South East is under increasing pressure from Central Government for more housing. Owning the land next to your property gives you peace of mind. You’re safe from the dangers of having a housing development on your doorstep, which could destroy the value of your property. We can advise on the value of such amenity land, approach the landowner and handle negotiations for you.
Home Improvements
What will, and what won’t, add value to your property? A home office, swimming pool, tennis court or heritage-style garage with studio over? We know the answers - saving you from making expensive mistakes.